Single Herbs
- Single herbs
- €4.20
- The chamomile flower beverage has strong anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic and soothing properties. It has been used since antiquity to treat a wide variety of conditions. It is considered to be extremely effective for treating stress, migraine, neuralgia and dizziness and insomnia. It is used for healing wounds and burns and has a powerful effect against various inflammations. Chamomile beverage can…
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- Single herbs
- €4.20
- The chemical substances in Echinacea enhance the immune system, and have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. The beverage from Echinacea blossoms traditionally has been used for boosting the immune system and decreasing significantly the duration of flu and common cold symptoms (soar throat, cough, nasal discharge and fever) In Germany, the over-ground parts of the plant have been officially declared as…
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- Single herbs
- €4.20
- The beverage from hyssop leaves and blossoms has expectorant, sweating and calming properties, traditionally it is used for its antispasmodic action. In the ancient times it was used as a natural antiseptic. It is considered highly effective for treating common cold, nasal discharge, and fever. It can have a soothing impact in cases of bronchitis, cough and asthma and is…
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- Single herbs
- €4.20
- Herb with very intense scent. Traditionally beverage from lavender blossoms has been used for reducing stress and hypertension. It is considered to have calming properties and therefore can be used in cases of sleeplessness, melancholy and mild depression. Herbalists consider lavender to be suitable for curing migraines. Due to its antibacterial and antiseptic effects it can be used for curing…
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- Single herbs
Lemon verbena
- €4.20
- Beverage with a distinctive lemon scent. It has diuretic properties and enhances the expelling of excessive fluids resulting in the reduction of cellulite and detoxication of the body. It boosts metabolism and has impact in burning fat. Traditionally it has been used for treating digestive disorders such as dyspepsia, flatulence, neuralgia, stomach and bowel colics. It has been used for…
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- Single herbs
- €4.20
- Herb with a distinctive lemon scent. Beverage from lemon balm leaves has been traditionally used for its calming properties, for soothing sleeplessness and mild stress. It is used also for its anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant impact, as well as a booster of the circulatory system and the heart. It is considered to sooth various conditions of the digestive system. Various…
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- Single herbs
- €4.20
- The beverage from mint leaves traditionally has been used for relieving from cough, common cold and infections of the respiratory system. The menthol contained in the herb has antibacterial, antivirus and analgesic properties. Mint is considered highly effective in conditions of the digestive system such as dyspepsia, swelling, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, morning sickness and diarrhea. Thanks to its spasmolytic action…
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- Single herbs
Mountain tea
- €4.20
- The beverage from mountain tree blossoms is traditionally used for its heating effect, as well as for its beneficial effect in colds and inflammations of the upper respiratory system, disorders of the gastrointestinal system and indigestion. It is considered to have significant antispasmodic, analgesic, diuretic and detox action. It is a common booster for human body due to its significant…
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- Single herbs
- €4.20
- Nettle leaf has strong antioxidant activity as well as anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. The nettle is also highly diuretic and helps to stimulate the kidneys. Nettle leaves have a high content of Vitamin C, which strengthens the body's defenses and helps better absorption of iron, a high content of Vitamin K, which plays an important role in blood clotting,…
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- Single herbs
- €4.20
- Oregano is perhaps the most basic ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine. It is known for the distinctive scent and taste in food nevertheless it has many therapeutical properties too. Traditionally, it is used for problems of the gastrointestinal system and is considered to have antidiarrheal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. It is used for healing inflammations of the mouth and tonsils. Modern…
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- Single herbs
- €4.20
- Herb with a distinctive mint scent. The beverage from pennyroyal leaves and blossoms is considered to have expectorant, antiasthmatic action and is indicated for cleansing the lungs of smokers. Menthol, one of its main substances, eases muscle spasms all over the body. It is considered to enhance digestion and treat gastrointestinal disorders, and is also used as an antiemetic. Pennyroyal…
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- Single herbs
- €4.20
- The leaves of rosemary are used as seasoning in many foods. It is recognized for its antioxidant action, it protects and enhances the immune system, boosts the heart and stimulates blood circulation. It is considered very helpful for soothing conditions of weakness, fatigue, burn out, depression, sleeplessness and anxiety, boosts the memory, the nervous system as well as concentration. It…
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- Single herbs
- €4.20
- Traditionally, Sage has been used for treating traumas and inflammations of the oral cavity, for treating indigestion and other disorders of digestive system and excessive sweating. Its use is known for its healing, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory action, and for relieving from rheumatic pains and neuralgia. It is considered to stop cough, soothe symptoms of bronchitis and asthma, to boost blood circulation…
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- Single herbs
- €4.20
- The leaves and blossoms of thyme with the strong, mildly spicy rich flavour are used as a spice for scenting various foods. The two basic essential oils contained in thyme, thymol and carvacrol, give thyme special antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties. Traditionally it has been used as antispasmodic in cough, as an expectorant and for curing upper respiratory infections. It…
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